UX designer at Technology Game Changers LLC Sep 2019 – May 2021
Description:I worked on an unrealesed Horiscope App and an unreleased video game.
More about these projects can be found here
Final presentation for the Horiscope App can be found here
Game Designer for Crayon Fire Games . Sep 2017 - Sep 2019
Description: For this project, we were tasked to create a fully functional video game along with promotional and marketing material.
The video game we created was called "The taking of the SS Amusement", a rouge-like sidescroller where you control your character as you fight your way through a Hijack Space Cruise ship.
In this project, I was a game designer, UX Designer, and the writer.
If you follow the link you can download the game demo and play it for free.
Being a UX Designer for Video games is a much diffrent from other formats. Many test and huristics do not apply to video games so it's hard for people apply UX to this field.
For example one things I wanted to add was hit flashes. Hit flashes is something that occurs when the player sucessfully damage an enemy. My team did not thing adding this feature was important, but when testing occured, many people commented on needing hit flashes.
UX Designer for the Informatics 191 Class in UCI to restructure behind the scenes work. Sep 2017 - April 2018
Description: In this project my team worked with Professor Ziv and Professor Deneburg for our clients. Informatics 191 and Informatics 117 are project-based courses where a team of students is assigned to a sponsor to help create a system.
The students benefit from this by getting the work experience they can put on a resume while the sponsors get a system. However, the work that the professors to keep this running is quite strenuous and in some cases needlessly complicated.
This is where we come in. The Project is to create a website to rework how students and sponsors submit information to the professors and automatically organize this information for ease of understanding.
Some Wireframes can be found here
UX designer at Inwerks. 2016 - Sep 2017
Description: My team and I worked with Ali Sar as a sponsor to help make the Inwerks website. Inwerks is a website that is designed to be the next Linkedin with a better resume-to-job matching algorithm as well as more free options for users to use.
At first, we were tasked with creating a resume-to-job matching algorithm. My part in this project was to secure a place to test the algorithm and the website for both job hunters and employers. However, due to difficulty with implementing the algorithm with the already existing base website,
we had to re-build the website from the ground up. By the end of the time limit, we had a fully functional website but we haven't had time to implement the matching algorithm.
One of the bigest hurdles was having to switch to another switch to another programing language it was not an easy discion to switch and start all over again, but it was a decsion that ultimately ensured we were able to complete the project.